Wednesday, February 20, 2008

About Design Shop

As most of you know, I'm a freelance graphic designer. I used to work for Lexmark International when we lived in Kentucky - a job I really loved. Since Mike joined the Marines, I'm now working in my field the only way I can, which is from home. It's almost the perfect setup, except for the fact that I miss the face-to-face interaction with co-workers. Most of the clients I have now I've never even seen before. All my work is done via e-mail, phone and ftp sites. But it's great considering my circumstances (moving to different states, having a toddler, etc.).

Primarily, I design for print - everything from business cards to billboards. (I may venture into Web design in the near future.) I love doing invitations and stationery and other personal pieces, but the biggest part of my work comes from businesses in several different states.

If you know of anyone needing a designer (my rate is considerably less than most firms), feel free to give them my name! And thanks to everyone for all the business you've sent my way the last four years simply by word of mouth. It has made all the difference!

You can find my new site here. Please excuse the fact that it's pretty basic right now. Updates will come. Also, please let me know if there are any viewing/browser issues on your end. Thanks!


Brandon and Carolyn Schroder said...

The site is great!! I will be using you for birth announcements in June... so excited!

sara said...

Great work! You are so talented!