The next morning, I awoke to hear AK sounds coming from our guest room. I found Abby Kate sitting in the middle of the bed, soaking up the hugs and kisses and laughs of Mimi and Pawpaw. They were amazed at how much she could say to them. We enjoyed a pancake breakfast and then took a tour of our surroundings. We went to the air station first to show Mom and Dad the Harriers parked in the hangars. They were quite impressive - it was my first time to see them up close as well. We toured the beautiful downtown New Bern area and had fun swinging at the waterfront park. We ate at Captain Ratty's and then followed it up with ice cream from the cafe next door.
Mike and Dad got 18 holes in on Sunday while Mom, AK and I did a bit of shopping. We drove down to Atlantic Beach on Labor Day and enjoyed the gorgeous weather, the sea breeze and the big waves. AK had no interest in the waves, but could've spent all day in the sand, searching for shells.
Mom and Dad watched AK for us a couple of times so we could do some furniture shopping. (We had forgotten how much easier it was back when we could just jump in and out of the car and jet around from place to place!) AK kept Mimi and Pawpaw entertained the entire weekend. She is so funny these days. And quite bossy! Especially to me. It's hard not to laugh, but I try my best. :)
Mom and Dad - thanks again for coming to see us. We had a WONDERFUL time and wish you could've stayed longer.
I'll be there as soon as I can get there! I'm excited to make a trip to see you guys in the near future -- as soon as I get some vaca time back at work. I hate that I'm missing all of AK'chatter! How adorable (and comical I'm sure!) She is changing so fast.
I can't believe how big she is getting!! Hopefully we will get to visit soon. William misses AK and can't wait to see her again!
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