Friday, September 05, 2008

Coastal Living Brings Visitors, Both Good and Bad

We have been enjoying the company of family and friends this past week. Mom and Dad came down for Labor Day weekend (post and pics to follow), and then some friends from MS have come to stay with us while they search for a house (they'll be moving here in the coming weeks).

Word is we'll be having yet another visitor - if not two - before the week is up, and we are not happy about it. Tropical storm Hanna and then possibly hurricane Ike will be unwelcome guests in this area. We're supposed to see the first signs of Hanna tonight, although it's already pouring here right now at 1:25 p.m. The worst part of the storm is expected to be in our area tomorrow (Sat.) afternoon.

We plan to stay right here with our flashlights, candles and water, but will definitely get out of town if necessary!

As AK would say, "Go away, rain, go away!"


The Moremans said...

oh dear...stay safe!

Sarah said...

It will be an adventure! I'm also hoping that Hanna will stay at bay so we can get book club done tonight! I'm excited to see what you are "presenting"! Ha,ha.